Hello everyone, I have an IT project lined up in terms of programming an Android app. I would like to know how the navigation activities on deep link Android, in the activity is opened with Deep Linking and then press the button close the application instead of working in the normal backstack flow. I'm also looking for different Android Development forum that can help me in my IT project.
Navigation Aktivitäten auf Deep Linking Android?
what do you mean by deep linking?
you can interrupt the backstack using the OnBackPressed Method which is used by every activity.
i hope i describe this right...
deep linking is a concept about how to start and navigate through an application to a specific content from the outside.
For example the user scan an QR-Code or get a push message from a server, which links through a specifc content in your application.And now to the origin question,
You should take a look for the TaskStackBuilder
https://developer.android.com/…app/TaskStackBuilder.htmlWich Intent Flags do you use for your Activity?
You try should try these
Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_DOCUMENT This will start the activity as a new task which gets put in the history stack.
You don't need all of them, the last one is interesting for some specfic use-cases.I hope i could help a bit.
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