Best Resources for Learning Jetpack Compose

  • Hey everyone!

    I’ve been diving into Android development lately and I’m trying to get more comfortable with Jetpack Compose. I’m planning to use it in an upcoming project, which I’ll be managing with Jira to keep everything on track. While I’ve found some tutorials and documentation here and there, I’m curious if anyone has any recommendations for up-to-date resources?

    Could be anything—blogs, YouTube channels, courses, or even GitHub projects. I just want to make sure I’m learning from the best. 😄 I have gone through these articles…ompose-learning-resources Jira Interview Questions however they are quite good but I wanted to learn more community members.

    Also, if you’ve used Compose in any of your recent projects (especially if you managed it with Jira), I’d love to hear about your experience! What challenges did you face, and any tips for someone still relatively new?

    Appreciate any advice!


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