Hallo Developers !
Unbegrenzte Personalisierung für Ihr Home-Bildschirm stellen: Anwendungen, Kontakte, Fotos, Texte, URL ... wo immer Sie wollen.
Sorry but I forgot all my School german courses 
Unlimited customisation for your Home screen : put your applications, contacts, photos, custom texts, url... anywhere you want.
[Blockierte Grafik: http://www.92and39.com/pressre…/2.1/en/forum/desktop.png]
The PaperBoard widget will help you to start your apps, call your friends, start url browsing, customize your home screen...
- Configuration
Configuration is done in 4 steps:
- Select the objects you want to put on your Home screen: photos, symbols, texts, application icons...
- Put it wherever
- Change their parameters (action, rotation, color, font ...)
- Install
- Some cases of use
You will not have to worry about memory or speed: there is only 1 single widget optimized to take up space on your screen.
The only limitation is the size of your screen.
- Installation
To install the widget for the first time, long press on the home screen and select widgets.
[Blockierte Grafik: http://www.92and39.com/pressre….1/en/forum/install_1.png]
Then navigate to PaperBoard and then confirm.
[Blockierte Grafik: http://www.92and39.com/pressre….1/en/forum/install_2.png]
Once in place, click on configuration button.
[Blockierte Grafik: http://www.92and39.com/pressre….1/en/forum/install_3.png]
At any time, you can change the objects by clicking on the wheel at the top right corner screen.
- Permissions
WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: Configuration Backup
VIBRATION: Vibration when selecting/moving objects in the panel configuration
RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED: after the phone reboot, allows the widget installation
READ_CONTACTS: Displays the list of your contacts
CALL_PHONE: Allows the widget to call the selected contact.
- Market
Lite version, com.paper.board.lite :
[Blockierte Grafik: http://www.92and39.com/pressre…creenshot/qrcode_lite.png]
Complete version, com.paper.board :
[Blockierte Grafik: http://www.92and39.com/pressre…ard/screenshot/qrcode.png]
- Key features
- Put anywhere you want your photos, symbols, texts, shortcuts applications icons...
- Change design ; font, color, size, rotation...
- Attribute the functions you wish to an object
- Change the background color and frame.
Many features are under development.
Some will release depending on the number of current downloads. And the other regularly.
Next key feature from 1000th download: link with a web url/bookmark.
Enjoy !